Oracle Import алдаа

Сайн байна уу Oracle RAC export хийсэн DUMP Import хийхэд дараахь алдаа өгч байна. Энэ ямар алдаа вэ.
Import: Release - Production on Mon Nov 5 18:03:15 2018

Copyright © 1982, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Connected to: Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing options
ORA-39002: invalid operation
ORA-39059: dump file set is incomplete
ORA-39246: cannot locate master table within provided dump files
нилээн үзлээ. Мэддэг хүн байвал зөвөлгөө өгөөрэй

Алдааны мэдэллийг харахад файл дутуу гээд байгаа юм уу даа… dump 100% уу?

[oracle@decoder ~]$ oerr ora 39002
39002, 00000, "invalid operation"
// *Cause:  The current API cannot be executed because of inconsistencies
//          between the API and the current definition of the job.
//          Subsequent messages supplied by DBMS_DATAPUMP.GET_STATUS
//          will further describe the error.
// *Action: Modify the API call to be consistent with the current job or
//          redefine the job in a manner that will support the specified API.
[oracle@decoder ~]$
[oracle@decoder ~]$
[oracle@decoder ~]$ oerr ora 39059
39059, 00000, "dump file set is incomplete"
// *Cause:  An IMPORT or SQL_FILE operation was being performed but not
//          all of the files from the EXPORT dump file set were included.
// *Action: Check the export log file and make sure all of the files that
//          were exported are included in the current job.
[oracle@decoder ~]$

export log файл аа сайн харах хэрэгтэй гэсэн байна.

Directory замаа шалгаарай.