Өнгөрсөн сард Oracle Database 12.2.2 хувилбарыг Oracle Database 18с гэж нэрлэн гарсан билээ.
Уг хувилбарын шинэ боломжуудаас сонирхуулъя. Нэр томъёо ихтэй тул англиар жагсаав.
Oracle Database 18c шинэ боломжууд:
Data Guard
- Oracle Data Guard Multi-Instance Redo Apply Supports Use of Block Change Tracking Files for RMAN Backups
- Automatic Correction of Non-logged Blocks at a Data Guard Standby Database
Application Continuity
- Server Draining ahead of relocating or stopping services or PDB
- Oracle Database sees Request Boundaries
- Transparent Application Continuity (TAC)
General RMAN
- Shadow Lost Write Protection
- Duplicate PDBs between encrypted and non-encrypted CDBs
- RMAN recover standby simplification
- PDB backups usable after plugging into a new CDB
- Backups from non-CDBs are usable after migration to CDB
- RMAN duplicate PDB into existing CDB
- Backup to archive storage
Install, config, and patch
- Engineered Systems support
- Zero-Downtime Database Upgrade
- Gold Image Distribution among RHP Servers
- Local Switch Home for Applying Updates
- Authentication Plug-in
- Configuration Drift Reporting and Resolution
- Command Scheduler and Bulk Operations
- Dry Run Command Validation
- New Default Location of Oracle Database Password File
- Read-Only Oracle Home
- RPM-based Database Installation
Container Database Architecture
- Copying a PDB in an Oracle Data Guard Environment
- DBCA PDB Clone
- PDB Lockdown Profile Enhancements
- Refreshable PDB Switchover
- CDB Fleet Management
- PDB Snapshot Carousel
RAC General
- Shared Single Client Access Names
- NodeVIP-Less Cluster
- Cluster Domain Proxies
- gridSetup-based Management
- Reader Nodes Performance Isolation
- UCP Support for RAC Affinity Sharding
Oracle Database 18c онлайн гарын авлагыг дараах холбоосоор харна уу.