Oracle Database 18c шинэ боломжууд

Өнгөрсөн сард Oracle Database 12.2.2 хувилбарыг Oracle Database 18с гэж нэрлэн гарсан билээ.

Уг хувилбарын шинэ боломжуудаас сонирхуулъя. Нэр томъёо ихтэй тул англиар жагсаав.

Oracle Database 18c шинэ боломжууд:

Data Guard

  1. Oracle Data Guard Multi-Instance Redo Apply Supports Use of Block Change Tracking Files for RMAN Backups
  2. Automatic Correction of Non-logged Blocks at a Data Guard Standby Database

Application Continuity

  1. Server Draining ahead of relocating or stopping services or PDB
  2. Oracle Database sees Request Boundaries
  3. Transparent Application Continuity (TAC)

General RMAN

  1. Shadow Lost Write Protection
  2. Duplicate PDBs between encrypted and non-encrypted CDBs
  3. RMAN recover standby simplification
  4. PDB backups usable after plugging into a new CDB
  5. Backups from non-CDBs are usable after migration to CDB
  6. RMAN duplicate PDB into existing CDB
  7. Backup to archive storage

Install, config, and patch

  1. Engineered Systems support
  2. Zero-Downtime Database Upgrade
  3. Gold Image Distribution among RHP Servers
  4. Local Switch Home for Applying Updates
  5. Authentication Plug-in
  6. Configuration Drift Reporting and Resolution
  7. Command Scheduler and Bulk Operations
  8. Dry Run Command Validation
  9. New Default Location of Oracle Database Password File
  10. Read-Only Oracle Home
  11. RPM-based Database Installation

Container Database Architecture

  1. Copying a PDB in an Oracle Data Guard Environment
  2. DBCA PDB Clone
  3. PDB Lockdown Profile Enhancements
  4. Refreshable PDB Switchover
  5. CDB Fleet Management
  6. PDB Snapshot Carousel

RAC General

  1. Shared Single Client Access Names
  2. NodeVIP-Less Cluster
  3. Cluster Domain Proxies
  4. gridSetup-based Management
  5. Reader Nodes Performance Isolation
  6. UCP Support for RAC Affinity Sharding

Oracle Database 18c онлайн гарын авлагыг дараах холбоосоор харна уу.