EM flash player

Adobe Plash Player ингээд ашиглалтаас гарчихаар EM-ыг яаж ашиглах юм болоо?

Enterprise Manager provides a wide variety of performance charts for most monitored targets.
Certain charts, such as those appearing on the Database Performance page, are designed to benefit from Adobe Flash Player capabilities.

Here is the list of EM pages which are Adobe Flash dependent:

EM 13.3.1 (supported though January 2021):

Performance Page (SI & RAC)
Performance Home
Top consumers (SI & RAC)
Top Activity Page (SI & RAC)
Top Activity
ASH Analytics Page
ASH Analytic
SQL Monitoring Page
SQL Monitoring
SQL Details Page
SQL details page - Activity, Plan, and SQL Monitoring Tabs
Session Details Page
Session details - Activity and SQL Monitoring Tabs
AWR Pages
Emergency Performance Page
Real- Time ADDM
Real-time ADDM
Advisor Central --> ADDM Page
Cluster cache coherency page
Cluster Cache Coherency
Cluster cache coherency page --> Average Current Block Receive Time By Instance Page
Cluster cache coherency page --> Average Current Block Transfer Rate Page
Cluster cache coherency page --> Active Session History Page
Database Replay
RAC Drilldowns
RAC Cluster Cache Coherency
Database Throughput by Instance (RAC Only)
Latency for Synchronous Single Block Reads by Instance (RAC Only)
I/O Megabytes per Second By Instance For I/O Function (RAC Only)
Parallel Execution by Instance (RAC Only)
Real-time SQL Monitoring
Service Activity from Top Consumers

EM 13.3.2 (PG):

RAC Historical Drilldowns
RAC Cluster Cache Coherency
Database Throughput by Instance (RAC Only)
Latency for Synchronous Single Block Reads by Instance (RAC Only)
I/O Megabytes per Second By Instance For I/O Function (RAC Only)
Parallel Execution by Instance (RAC Only)

EM 13.4 through RU6:

RAC Historical drill downs
RAC Cluster Cache Coherency
Database Throughput by Instance (RAC Only)
Latency for Synchronous Single Block Reads by Instance (RAC Only)
I/O Megabytes per Second By Instance For I/O Function (RAC Only)
Parallel Execution by Instance (RAC Only)

EM 13.4 RU7: All Flash pages removed

Шинэчилэлтүүдийг туршинаа

Энэ талаар манай хэд судлаж байгаа бөгөөд дараа мэдээлэл оруулна аа

Hi, Дээрх асуудлыг судлаж үзсэн болов уу

EM 13.4 болон түүнээс хойш хувилбарууд дээр flash player асуудал шийдэгдсэн байна лээ.